Thursday, September 23, 2010

Anyone proficient with PS3 repair?

Here's the deal, I have an old MGS4 80gig PS3. I got it because I wanted the backwards compatibility with PS2 (my PS2 has been nearly broken for years). Anyways, a few months ago it stopped reading discs. I did all the basic troubleshooting and not getting any results and not able to afford repairs from Sony I decided to do the only other thing I could think of, opening it up and cleaning the laser. I did this exactly as tutorials showed me how and I put it back together, still no results. I've done this so many times. I'm out of ideas, is there anything I can do that would be cheap or easy to fix this problem? I'd rather not get a new PS3 (I don't like the style of the slims and I need the Backwards Compat now for many of my saves are on the hard drive).


  1. Don't get me started on 360...I'm on my 4th >.>

  2. My brother broke one of our PS3s (We have 2 because we can't share, don't ask). Now he is trying to get my dad to Mod it >.>

  3. Check craigslist, bro. There's tons of guys who will do it for next to nothing/dirt cheap.

  4. yeah, do as ChaosReaper said.

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  5. i loathe opening up modern consoles

  6. Ehh, opening up the PS3 wasn't that was 10 screws though...then the disc drive so another 8 or actually, yeah I loathe it too...

  7. I have only soldered the power supply on a ps2 because it keeps getting lose sorry.

  8. You have a good thing going here :)

  9. my best bet it either buy a blu ray laser diode or just buy another blu ray drive

  10. Second on the new laser diode. You can pick them up for a bit of nothing and it is an easy swap.

  11. I've fixed a few, but yeah just be careful when you open the drive, those springs can go EVERYWHERE.

  12. needs to be recalibrated? i did it to my 360 few times when it had disc read errors
